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The SCKUK has had many guises over the years. We initially started way back in 1998, back then we were just a group of mates, tinkering with our cars 'n' bikes and going out for our daily kruise or attending a local meet. Back then we didn't need a club name, we were just mates hanging out and thats how things remained for the next decade. Good times!.


Fast forward to 2010, things became alot more serious. I just bought my dads Lexus IS200 and wanting to learn more joined a variety of Lexus clubs but I could never find what I was looking for, this inspired me to create the 'Lexus Fanatix'. This was the earliest iteration of what is today known as the SCKUK or the S/Coast Kruiserz (UK). To my surprise the 'Lexus Fanatix' was quite successful, we had a fair few members and always had a good turn out at meets.  Sadly mainly due to my own stupidity I eventually killed my much loved Lexus but as you know the story doesn't end there.


Perhaps no more than a month after the death of my beloved Lexus I purchased a MG-ZR, this spelt the end for the 'Lexus Fanatix'. It was at this point I decided I wanted to rekindle the club in the image of days gone past and thus the second iteration of the SCKUK was born. So now it's 2016 and the 'Lexus Fanatix' is gone and the 'Hayling Kruiserz' is born. Unlike the 'Lexus Fanatix', the 'Hayling Kruiserz' was a club for everyone, much like the 'SCKUK' is today.


Come 2017 the 'Hayling Kruiserz is in full swing but much to my surprise and delight (I might add),I suddenly found we had members not only from Hayling Island but from all corners of the UK and even further afield in far off places like the USA. It was at this point that the decision was made to give the club a name that was more fitting, something that included everyone but yet still said who we were.

And thus the 'SCKUK' was born.


And here we are, it's now 2021. The 'S/Coast Kruiserz (UK)' aka 'SCKUK', has now been going strong for 4 years and I couldn't be more chuffed but not because of the success the 'SCKUK has found, no!

I'm chuffed because this club has introduced me to people from all walks of life, people I am today proud to call my friends. And thats what the SCKUK is all about, like minded people/friends who share a common interest, helping one another, be it advice or physical and then meeting up for a coffee, a natter, all whilst enjoying the thing that brought us all together, our cars 'n' bikes...

Sy Tricqué - SCKUK Founder, Owner and Motoring Fanatic

Contact Us

Tel: (UK +44) 07999-633936

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© 1998 by the S/Coast Kruiserz (UK). Proudly created with

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